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    Membership Information

Monthly Memberships

Full Membership - $1,500 Yearly (includes cart plan) or $80 Monthly

Out of County Membership - $60 Monthly

Jr Membership (Age 29 and under) - $60 Monthly

Summer Program (Age 21 and under) - $75 Total (June 1st - August 30th)

Cart Plan (optional) - $675 Yearly or $65 Monthly

Range Plan (optional) - $125 Yearly or $15 Monthly

Member Prices

Cart Plan (optional) - $675 Yearly or $65 Monthly

Range Plan (optional) - $125 Yearly or $15 Monthly

Carts - $10 (18 holes) $5 (9 holes)

Range Token - $4 per token (30 balls) 

Merchandise - 10% Discount on all items (excludes food items)

Private Cart Sheds Available


Monthly Deals/Offers and Activities for Members
